How to Show your Company Profile on Google in Cyprus

How to Show your Company Profile on Google Article
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Your Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is absolutely essential for all companies and you may be missing out on some great free benefits if you have not set yours up yet.

If you may be unfamiliar with the term “Google Business Profile”, however, you will have likely seen what this is in your day-to-day activities.

When you search for a term on Google, for example, “website designers Limassol” or “coffee shops near me” you will see some search results at the top which are most likely paid ads (indicated with the “ads” text in the top left corner of them. In addition to these ads, you will also see organic results and company listings accompanied by their location on Google Maps.

It is these listings which are formed from having a Google Business Profile account and they show a series of key information, such as an address, star ratings, directions, website links, phone numbers and more.

Therefore, if you do not have this setup for your business, you may be missing out on showing lots of information to potential customers completely free of charge.

Google Business Listing

How to Setup your free Google Business Account?

In order to begin, you will need a Gmail account to access these features. Once you have that, you can go to this link and click the “start now” button in the top right corner. These are the following steps you will need to take:

  1. Enter the name of your business
  2. Search for your business’s category
  3. Select your type of location + add your business hours
    • Whether that is a store that can be visited
    • Or you can select “non” if you do not have a storefront
  4. Enter the area in which your business services customers
    • For example, if you do business in Limassol only, or the whole of Cyprus
  5. Enter your website address (if you have one) and your phone number
    • This will be displayed on your profile for customers to see and contact you
    • If you’re a start-up and you need a quick and easy website, you can contact us directly
  6. Click “finish & verify”
  7. You need to verify that you are the actual business owner

And voila, upon verification your business profile can start showing online and your company can be found across Cyprus by your customers. You can now collect reviews on your profile and be found amongst your competitors.

Additional things you can do with your Google Business Account are:

  1. Add your company logo
  2. Add pictures of your business
    • Storefront images
    • Images of your products
    • Images of your shop’s interior

All of these things contribute to creating a better account and helping potential customers learn more about you.

Benefits of having a Google Business Account

Any successful company will most likely have a Google Business account because it gives them free exposure and helps companies advertise online and be found by customers. Some of the main benefits of this free Google tool are:

1. Local SEO

If you are not familiar with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) then you can learn all about it via our SEO Marketing article here. But in a nutshell, SEO is the process of optimising your website to be found by users on Google and other search engines (such as Bing). The more users that find your website, the more likely you will convert.

Therefore, local SEO is a subset of SEO, that specifically targets users in your nearby location. If you are a restaurant in Nicosia, then you would want to focus heavily on local SEO to drive users to your business.

By having a Google Business Profile, your local SEO is heavily benefited due to your company now showing on Google Maps. Not only does it show up for users to find, but also it provides your address, directions to get there and relevant information such as a phone number and opening/closing times.

2. Collect Reviews

Reviews can make or break some companies, especially if we consider those in the hospitality industry. Ask yourself, would you go to a restaurant if it had low reviews and negative ratings? Or, better yet, would you go to a restaurant if there are no reviews about it? Or would you go a restaurant that has many positive reviews and comments? I know what my answer would be.

Therefore, by setting up a Google Business Profile in Cyprus, you can start collecting reviews from your customers, which, in turn (if positive) will help your business show up more frequently on Google. Having a lot of good reviews also contributes to helping your local SEO.

Did you know that 88% of consumers say reviews are the persuasive factor for them to discover a local business?

Google wants to provide users with the best information in the quickest time, so if your restaurant has the most reviews and a really good review average rating, then when users are looking for somewhere to eat, Google will know to show your company because it is highly rated.

3. Important Company Information

It can be extremely important to showcase certain information to a customer prior to contacting you or visiting your business. Back to our example of a restaurant, what if I wish to go for lunch but the company is not yet open? Well, I can view all of this and more on their Google Business profile before I waste time driving down to a certain place and risking that it may be shut.

Other information such as your phone number can be great to collect leads directly, if you are a service-based company, you can be called directly by potential customers and convert them into leads.

Your website link is also shown on your profile, this helps users to learn more about your company and to make the ultimate decision of whether they wish to use you or not. Therefore, it is important that you have a great website to drive traffic to.

4. It’s Completely Free

All of these great features at 0 cost. Especially for start-ups, this free tool can help your business be on the map (literally). It is a great way to break into a market where you will have competitors already.

5. Insights

After creating your account, you can start to see some insights and analytics on your account, as well as receive monthly updates. You can track how many people visited your profile, called your company from your business profile, clicked the link to your website and also see the views on your photos and posts.

Therefore, it seems like there is no good reason not to set up a Google Business Profile account, it’s free to do and has great benefits for your business. If you need any further assistance in this, you can contact Absolute Websites directly and we would be happy to help.

Common Questions about Google Business Profile

  1. How much does it cost?

If you skimmed through this article, you may have missed where we mentioned that it is completely free to use. While you can benefit your company further by running Google ad campaigns, the actual business profile account is 100% free.

  • What if I have multiple locations?

If your company is already really successful and you have 10 or more storefront locations, you are able to bulk upload them to your account, providing a quick and seamless way to manage them. You can learn more about this here.

  • What if I do not have a storefront location?

Having a Google Business Profile can still be really beneficial because you can still collect leads and drive traffic to your website. Additionally, your company can still collect reviews which shows potential customers how great you are.

Business Reviews on Google

Interesting Statistics about Company Reviews & the Google Business Profile

  1. Reviews are twice as important when choosing a local business rather than loyalty.
  2. 65% of consumers read a review every week
  3. 58% of consumers would travel further to a business with higher reviews
  4. 47% of consumers would pay more for a business with higher reviews
  5. 38% of consumers require at least a 4-star average rating to consider a business
  6. 81% of consumers use Google to evaluate businesses
  7. 67% of consumers would consider leaving a review after a positive experience
  8. In 2021, only 3% of consumers would consider a business with an average rating of 2-stars or less.

Stats from:

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